Saturday, January 4, 2014

Preparing For A Hot Day

The weather has been nice and mild since we got our girls but the weekly forecast showed a 40 degree day approaching.  I read everything I could find on heat stress and preparing for heat.  Guinea pigs don't sweat and are very prone to heatstroke so I was a little concerned about how they'd go.

We put a frozen bottle into a sock to place under their wooden bridge and another wrapped in a dishcloth on top of their wooden hut.  Removed the plastic pigloo as they can trap the heat a lot. 

A dampened cot sheet over one end of the cage with a fan blowing.  Freshened up the water a couple of times during the day and fed vegies with lots of water content - cucumber etc.  

They seemed to like popping under the bridge to rest near the frozen bottle.

Glad to say they seemed quite happy all day and then we were back to our lovely 20s weather again.  

Cheers, Sue

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are having all the fun/work Susan. Maybe the kids could write on your guinea pig blog. I'm wondering what they are thinking by this time.


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Around The Cage - January

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