Friday, December 13, 2013

Back To The Start

DD and DS have been BUSTING to get a pet for quite a while now.  They love visiting friends and family with dogs, cats or other furry friends.  Hubby and I weren't quite so keen to be honest.

Our place doesn't suit a dog and I'm not a big fan of cats (no offence cats.)  One day while stopping by a pet store (the kids drag us into them every time we pass one) there were some guinea pigs in a cage.  They looked quite cute.  I started doing a bit of google searching on guinea pigs.  Then a bit more.  Then a bit more.  Started taking a few notes, printing off pages, collecting care leaflets, calling in to any local pet stores and checking out the supplies, liking guinea pig facebook pages - you get the idea.  Didn't take that long really and I was quite hooked. 

We talked hubby into the idea then it was time to gather supplies and equipment.  First off - the cage.  We got the biggest one we could find - 120cm by 60cm.  And a pigloo, a stick bridge, some ceramic food bowls, water bottles, kiln dried dust extracted pine shavings, a bag of carefresh, some timothy hay, some Oxbow guinea pig pellets and a few other bits and pieces.  

DS7's toy lamb kept the cage cosy while we waited for our guinea pigs.  

By this stage I'd read enough to know that it'd be better to get them from a rescue than from a pet store.  We got in touch with one we found about 45 minutes away and made an appointment.  

It was time to go and choose our girls.  A very excited car full of people that day.  

Cheers, Sue

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