Our girls are quick learners. They didn't take long to figure out that when one of us is at the coffee machine end of the kitchen bench and plastic is crinkling or chopping boards are clunking - it is almost veggie time. Blossom gets the most excited and does a few laps at 100 miles an hour. Then puts her paws up on the edge of the cage and wheeks excitedly at us. "Bring us the food, bring us the food." This gets Cinnamon and Mitty all enthused too.
I put 3 bowls out. Mornings they usually get some sort of lettuce leaves (we alternate between cos, butter and red leaf.) Plus a couple of cherry tomatoes each or some capsicum.
They get 1/8 cup each of pellets too. I usually put those in after they're done with the veggies.
Afternoon or evening (or occasionally both) they get another 3 bowls with something different. We make sure to include a high vitamin C food each day as guinea pigs can't produce their own so rely on their diet for that.
They've chomped through everything we've offered so far. I'm aiming for lots of variety and scoured the internet and guinea pig forums to make up a few sheets of guidelines of what to feed daily or several times a week or infrequently. So far we've given them lettuce (not iceberg), red/green/yellow capsicum, zucchini, parsley, mint, carrot, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, broccoli, blueberries, and celery. All munched down.
And of course, hay hay hay. They go through lots of that. We top up the hay rack regularly and usually pop another pile in the corner too. That's the main part of their diet so it is important they have lots of it. I quite like the smell of the hay.
That's it today from Guinea Pig central!
Cheers, Sue